Saturday, February 18, 2012

And the panic sets in...

I just glanced at the calendar and noticed this coming Wednesday is February 22nd, the day I would be leaving on to go to Honduras. Of course this managed to stress me about a bit because in my head I'm thinking there's no way I could leave on Wednesday! I still have so much left to do! Well then the other part of me says no shit, you have so much left to do because you weren't preparing to leave. Of course the more I think about it there's really not all that much left to do. I've been preparing to leave since...well forever. At this point there some basic things that have to get done: I still have to get flights booked to staging, but from what I understand this is usually done about a month before the departure date. Glancing at other blogs it looks highly likely that the staging for Rwanda will be in Philadelphia. Also, I have to head over to town hall sometime soon so I can register to vote absentee for the upcoming elections (I already know who I'm voting for...can I just jot it down and slip it in the ballot box early?) (That last parenthetical was a joke btw. I am a PolSci major.) There are still some things I want to buy for my trip. Few clothing items, some other necessities. AND I have to figure out how I'm going to pack everything.

Finally, I have to say my goodbyes. It's one of those things nobody actually wants to do, but you pretty much have to. Of course I shouldn't panic so much, I mean, I don't leave until MAY for godsakes. So, plenty of time, right?

My life lately has been...boring? Without excitement? That's not totally fair to say, but I'm definitely in an in between stage. After quitting my job, I went a few weeks without anything to do. Which was boring and basically meant I watched trashy TV all day. In early February my uncle was nice enough to get me a job (that's right...I'm that kid) at his furniture store answering phones and doing some surveys. It's not the most exciting thing in the world but it's something to do and some money in my pocket.

This past week one of my good friends from High School (who's now living in Florida) came back to Stevens Point to visit. We really hadn't seen each other in quite a while but really it seemed like no time had passed. To many it's no secret that my mind is a bizarre vault of random trivia. I love talking with Kevin because he really is one of the only people I know who catches all of my references, and who has seen all of the movies I've seen. He's probably packing more trivia than I am.

This time of year is always difficult because the days are so short and the weather soooo cold. But oddly enough, this February has felt a lot more like spring. The temperature rarely dips below thirty, which is rare for Wisconsin. I'm not complaining, you see I hate being cold (and hot for that matter), but really...40 degrees in February?! This can't be a good thing. I'm not sure if it's related to global climate change, I can only imagine it is. I curious to see how the next few months shape out to be.

On a final note, I've been relentlessly changing my blogging template and can't seem to find one that I like. I've settled on this look, granted I'm going to be making a few changes because it seems rather blah right now.

A disjointed entry, but that's where my mind is right now.

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